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Mr. B's Salsa & Hot Pepper Products

Secret Santa

Roxanne Bowers3 Comments

Al Buddah Goldenberg‎ to Chileheads

December 12 at 6:03pm

 I would like to thank Mark and Roxanne Bowers of Mr B's Salsa for their very nice spicy product lineup. Funny thing here is that I just ordered their salsa and got it last week. That was before they knew they had me in the Secret Santa exchange. Timing is everything. Could've saved them some shipping costs. Either way, I look forward to some of these bad boys in the weeks to come. Happy Holidays and thank you for the very generous gifts.


PicklesRoxanne BowersComment

How do the pucker pickles compare to the ghost pepper pickles? Will you be at any markets where I can pick up some gifts in person before Christmas?

The pickles are a little spicier and the jar size is doubled. We will be at the Tower Grove Farmers Market Holiday Bazaar

© 2011 Mr. B's Salsa & Hot Pepper Products